As Spring once again approaches, we here at the Sackler Journal of Medicine are pleased to present our third issue. It was two years ago that the journal published its inaugural issue under Brian Wolf’s leadership, yet already we’ve witnessed it become an invaluable part of our medical school. Students are involved more than ever in each facet of the journal, from editorial sta to those contributing to this installment. Our goal has always been to provide a forum for medical discussion, and we are proud to showcase student research and perspectives on the eld.
Our third issue features a variety of articles, including original research, reviews, and re ections. Opal Sekler takes a unique approach to the symptoms of ADHD by looking beyond classical daytime symptoms and studying how this condition a ects sleep quality. We expand beyond the con nes of traditional medicine with an analysis of re exology’s popularity by Ziv Rechany and the practice of hypnotherapy for chronic pain patients by Tom Finkelstein. Returning with another article on modern medical advancements, Dave Ben-Nun introduces us to the history and progress of nanomedicine, as well as its implications for the future. In keeping with previous iterations, this issue is dedicated to exploring a wide range of topics within the eld of medicine.
Though Brian’s tenure has drawn to a close, our new editorial board has worked hard to transition the journal to new leadership and build upon the success of previous years. With this new issue comes an expanded reach through our website (www. Yehuda Mivasair, our Director of Social Media, has overseen a robust online commentary that brings you the latest in current events each week. If you are interested in joining the team or submitting a piece, email us at editor@
We hope you enjoy the issue.
-Jordan Halevy and Anika Paradkar