Dear Readers of SJM,
It is with great pleasure that I write to you on the occasion of the inaugural issue of the Sackler Journal of Medicine. Less than one year ago, Brian Wolf and his group of bright eyed editorial staff came to me with the idea for SJM. At first, I was a little skeptical but nonetheless overjoyed. The idea that a student run medical journal could come out of Sackler seemed not only appropriate but long overdue. Since the school’s inception, we are committed to providing the finest in clinical and basic science education anywhere. This mission, combined with a drive to excel in all fields of medicine including research, has guided our efforts since then and is evident in our outstanding graduates and alumni who today lead in both clinical and research fields throughout North America. It seemed fitting therefore that Sackler take its place along other first-rate North American medical schools in having its own student medical journal.
The goal of the journal is not only to provide a platform for academic research but also to educate the student reader with timely pieces summarizing literature or topics germane to students such as the residency match. On behalf of the administration of the New York State/American Program, I would like to encourage all the readers to take an active role in writing and editing SJM. Indeed, it is up to you, the students, who make this journal the finest student publication anywhere in keeping with the fabulous Sackler tradition of outstripping everyone’s expectation of you at every juncture. Hospital and clinics are a fertile ground waiting for Sackler students to research, discover and grow. We hope that with each paper and discovery SJM will be by your side to serve as a platform for your discoveries and for you to share your experiences with your fellow students and colleagues worldwide.
Again, congratulations, and we are here to root you on at every step of the journey!
Mazal Tov!
Aaron Allen M.D.